missed days bar graphic

Why Strive for 95%?

The state of Missouri's Department of Elementary and Secondary Education aims for 90% of students to be in school 90% of the time. At Bolivar, we strive for students to be in school 95% of the time.

Attendance has a direct correlation with achievement. Please see the graphic to the right showing how a decline in attendance resulted in a decrease in GPA.

During the school year, we have 166 days of school. Students who miss 7 days or less throughout the year will have 95+% attendance.

Thank you for helping us make attendance a priority!

gpa and attendance

fall days off

Ideal Dates for Appointments or Vacations in the Fall Semester

As we head into the Fall semester, here is a list of the ideal dates for families to schedule appointments or vacations. The district calendar is also available for download HERE.

Note: The "ideal dates" list indicates days the district is already closed or not holding classes due to breaks, School Improvement Days, or holidays. Therefore, students who have an appointment or scheduled vacation on these days will not miss any learning opportunities.

Wellness Checklist

While we know the importance of students being in school, we also want to create a safe and healthy learning environment. We understand absences may be required due to illness. We have created a Wellness Checklist for families to utilize when considering any symptoms their student might be experiencing before heading to school.

Students should stay home if they have a persistent cough, temperature over 100 degrees, vomiting or diarrhea, pink or crusty eyes, or instructions from a doctor to stay away from others. Students can head to school if they have been without any of these symptoms for 24 hours. Students are welcome to come to school if they have a runny nose or slight cough, but no other symptoms.

If a student is sick and unable to come to school, families should notify their building's front office as soon as possible.

wellness graphic

Attendance Graphic

Every Day Counts

Missed days will add up. At just two missed days of school per month, a student will have missed more than a year of school by graduation. With four missed days of school per month, a student will have missed more than two years of school by graduation. We want your students learning with us every single day. Please help us make attendance a priority.