Proposition Liberators R-1

Bolivar Schools Breaks Ground on Proposition Liberators R-1 Projects

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Proposition Liberators R-1 was APPROVED by voters with a 68% YES vote on April 2nd, 2024.

Thank you to everyone who voted to support our students and teachers!

Proposition Liberators R-1 UPDATE on January 14th:

  • The Bolivar School Board, administrators, staff, and students celebrated the official groundbreaking of the projects of Proposition Liberators R-1. Construction has begun!

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BHS new ag building

Proposition Liberators R-1 UPDATE on December 2:

  • The district’s construction manager at risk, Branco Enterprises, has begun soliciting bids for work related to the construction of each project.  We expect to mobilize at the end of December with ground breaking and construction beginning at BHS, BIS, and BES in January.

  • Playground improvements will be entering the design phase in December as we move towards a July installation of new equipment.  

Proposition Liberators R-1 UPDATE on October 31:

  • Progress on HVAC unit upgrades at each building is continuing. Those projects are approximately $3.4 million.

    • BPS HVAC upgrades are complete.

    • BHS HVAC upgrades are nearing completion.

    • BMS HVAC upgrades are continuing.

  • BHS Ag Building, BIS classroom expansion, BES expansion

    • In the latter design phase, working to find cost-saving measures without compromising quality.

    • Plan for bidding to subcontractors near the end of the year.

    • Local subcontractors are expressing interest in the project.

Proposition Liberators R-1 UPDATE on July 22:

  • Progress on the HVAC unit upgrades at each building is underway. Those projects are approximately $3.4 million.

    • BPS and BHS HVAC upgrades should be completed by the end of July.

    • BMS HVAC upgrades will begin in August.

  • We are in the design planning stages of the new BHS Ag building, the BIS four-classroom expansion, and the BES expansion.

    • The BIS classroom expansion has changed from a north-south orientation, to an east-west orientation due to underground sewer and power lines.

  • To watch the discussion of Proposition Liberators R-1 progress at the July 19, 2024 board meeting, click


Proposition Liberators R-1 UPDATE on April 29:

  • The District has been completing the District financial rating that provides the investors the fiscal view of the District when they look at purchasing our bonds.  We will have financial information and the resolution for the bond sale at the May board meeting.  We hope to have the sale of our bonds completed by the end of May.

  • The planning and design work of the first priorities of the bond projects.  In this process, we work with the District’s architect to evaluate the construction projects and the scope of each project.  For this phase, we are focused on BIS classroom addition, BIS bathroom addition, BES classroom addition, and BHS Agriculture building.  Other projects of Liberators R-1 like the playgrounds, BPS windows, roof renovations, and Liberator Park will follow as planning and cost estimates become more known.

  • The manner in which the District will engage in the project construction.  The District will be evaluating the traditional “design-bid-build” process and the “construction management at-risk” process.  In this latter option, the District selects a construction management vendor who works directly with the District and architect to evaluate and complete the design, bidding, and construction process.

The Projects

Agriculture Career Education at BHS

Moving our agriculture education programs into a new facility would allow for students to have new and more defined learning spaces for agriculture education classes.  The new space would then allow for renovation of the existing space to serve Auto Tech and other career education programs like JAG or JROTC.  In addition, the renovation would allow expansion of the physical education and weight room area.

BHS Ag Shop Expansion

BES Expansion

Classroom Expansion at Bolivar Extension School

At BES, we hope to expand learning spaces for our students who have specific physical or developmental needs.  Classroom expansion would allow greater flexibility and space to serve students who need more appropriate learning areas to move and adapt.  In addition, this expansion would allow a covered ADA walkway for students to access BIS when they travel for PE and lunch.

Classroom Expansion at BIS

At BIS, a potential four (4) classroom addition could be added to allow for current and future enrollment growth.  Several support programs like Speech, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and English Language Learner programs need service space to assist students.  In addition, the opportunity to offer new programs in the area of technology and behavior support allow for BIS to serve student and teacher needs well into the future.

BIS Expansion

BIS restroom expansion

Restroom Expansion at BIS

At BIS, our 3rd grade classrooms have to share a bathroom facility.  Our goal would be to add a full grade level bathroom facility in this area that would allow students better access to restrooms and reduce large numbers of students from using the commons area restroom space.  This bathroom would also be located in an area that would allow visitors at tennis or soccer events to use it without having to enter the main BIS building area, increasing safety and security efforts.

Playground Expansion and ADA Updates

At BIS, our playground structures have reached the end of life and need to be replaced.  Our goal would be to replace and expand playground areas and facilitate all-inclusive ADA options for these spaces so all students could access playground equipment and play areas.  At ECLC and BPS, a similar effort would take place, allowing ECLC students and BPS students to have expanded all-inclusive ADA playground options for students.



New HVAC/Ground Source Systems

At BHS, BPS, and BMS, the District needs HVAC system updates and replacements.  Several of the systems have reached the end of life, and maintenance on these units and systems is no longer an option.  Updates will allow the District to improve heating and cooling options and efficiencies on the existing ground source system. 

Liberator Park Restroom Facility

As we evaluate the needs of Liberator Park a restroom facility is vitally important.  This facility will be located on the northeast corner of the track and will be the first supporting structure of our long-term plans for Liberator Park.  Currently, students must access temporary restroom facilities when football, cross-country, or track practices are held. 

Liberator Park Restrooms