Please join us in welcoming our new staff to Bolivar Schools for the 2023-2024 school year!
BPS: Grace Revelle (Kindergarten), Ashley Wilson (2nd Grade), Alysha Marshall (Paraprofessional), Makayla Hall (2nd Grade), Rebecca Preston (1st Grade), Ashley Mendoza (Kindergarten)
BIS: Lisa Ash (Special Education), Darla Blair (Title Reading), Margaret Hannekaen (Special Education Paraprofessional), Serena Branstetter-Taylor (5th Grade), Lynsy Routh (Paraprofessional), Abby Stark (3rd Grade), Holly Reaves (Special Education Paraprofessional), Bethany Young (Counselor), Regina Archer (5th Grade), Braylin Greer ( (3rd Grade), Sarah Preston (4th Grade), Lyle Martin (Behavior Interventionist)
BMS: Caroline Parker (Band), Kyle Cavanaugh (Physical Education), Kaylee Grose (Choir), Gavin Morris (6th Grade Math), Michelle Kirkpatrick (Registrar), Lyndsey Roseler (FACS), Thomas Lynch (Physical Education), Kelie Grigsby (8th Grade Social Studies), Audrey Masters (8th Grade English), Sidney Young (Art), Princess Jeffreys (6th Grade Math), Kristin Banner (Counselor)
BHS: Jennifer Bender (English), Denise England (Custodial), Alicia Wallace (Behavior Interventionist), Jamie LaSalle (Weights), Isaac Henson (Science), Kyle Lotz (Science), Keri Kirby (Business), Suzanne Mayfield (Culinary Arts), Alicia Wollard (English), Phoebe Dorman (Secretary), Aubrey Hampton (Social Worker), Sandy Branstetter (Math), Brianna Shaulis (FACS), Elyce Turnipseed (Theatre), Colby Marsh (Secretary), Olivia Dobbs (Physical Education)
ECLC: Megan Petry (Special Education Paraprofessional)
BES: Lindsay Knight (Paraprofessional), Alexandria Julian (Special Education Teacher), Bob Wilson (Paraprofessional)
Bridges: Tammy Sawyers (Teacher)
Little Liberators: Mallory Templeton, Zoe Obert, Ashton Moseley, Abby Bradshaw