2024 BHS Homecoming Court

Our 2024 BHS Homecoming Court has been announced! Homecoming is next Friday, September 27th.

Queen Candidate Sydney Waters, escorted by Maddux NeSmith
sydney waters and maddux nesmith

Queen Candidate Ellen Garber, escorted by Gardner Casey

ellen garber and gardner casey
Queen Candidate Caitlyn Cribbs, escorted by Garretson Cook

caitlyn cribbs and garretson cook
Flower/Crown Presenter Julianne Hague, escorted by Jordan Burke

julianne hague and jordan burke
Flower/Crown Presenter Raelea Tosh, escorted by Cooper Williams

raelea tosh and cooper williams
Black Walnut Festival Candidate Asa Scholten, escorted by Brant Sawyers

asa scholten and brant sawyers
Junior Attendant Brodie Fugere, escorted by Mason McCurry

brodie fugere and mason mccurry
Sophomore Attendant Avery Hofstetter, escorted by Connor Neal

avery hofstetter and connor neal
Freshman Attendant Adelyn Seay, escorted by Daniel Kozlowski

adelyn seay and daniel kozlowski
The Homecoming Coronation begins at 6:30 PM before the football game.
