It is #TeacherProud Tuesday! We are so thankful for these amazing educators! #TeacherProud Tuesday is sponsored by @midmobank. #OneLiberator #GOCSD

Summer School registration is now open!
Follow this link to register your student: bolivarschools.org/summer-school
If your student requires transportation, you MUST complete the summer school bus sign-up form. #OneLiberator

Bolivar High School was full of princesses and princes on Saturday for the JAG Princess Tea Party! #OneLiberator

REMINDER: There is no school on Friday, March 14th, no school on March 17th-21st for Spring Break, and no school on Monday, March 24th, for a teacher work day. We hope everyone has a safe, restful, and fun week off! #OneLiberator

It is School Board Appreciation Month! We are very thankful for our school board members and the time and effort they put into improving Bolivar Schools! Thank you for your commitment to our students and community! #OneLiberator

The Liberator Jazz Band received an Outstanding rating at the Pitt State Jazz Festival! Amazing job, Liberators! #OneLiberator

Congratulations to our Polk County Library Winter Reading Contest winners!
BPS - Mrs. Holcomb's 2nd grade class
BIS - Mrs. McDonald's 4th grade class
BMS - Mrs. Clark's 3rd period class
BHS - Mrs. VanHooser's 5th block class #OneLiberator

START YOUR ENGINES! The BoMo Car Show is Saturday, April 12th! To pre-register your vehicle: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchSOmNEPY6yja4L_lVZzweYE904qRmYnXtIWAJD7EB98vSXw/viewform #OneLiberator

Our ProStart students provided a delicious meal for the Bolivar Area Chamber of Commerce job fair vendors yesterday! A huge thank you to RootEd for sponsoring the meal. Way to go, Liberators! #OneLiberator

It is School Social Work Appreciation Week! We are incredibly thankful for Erin Hoegh and Aubrey Hampton and the positive impact that they have on our families! #OneLiberator
Check out their social work page: https://www.bolivarschools.org/page/school-social-work

Congratulations to our BHS band students for a wonderful performance at districts! We are very proud of the Pride of the Blue and Gold! #OneLiberator

Congratulations to our BHS band students for a wonderful performance at districts! The students who achieved an Exemplary rating will continue to the state contest in May! We are very proud of the Pride of the Blue and Gold! #OneLiberator

Congratulations to Mr. Pierre’s 3rd block class for winning the BHS Winter Reading Challenge! This class read 3,269 minutes in a month, averaging 544 minutes per student! They were treated to a pizza party for winning. Way to go, Liberators! #OneLiberator

Congratulations to our Bolivar High School Choir on a great performance at districts! We have 16 Liberators headed to state competition! Congratulations, Liberators! #OneLiberator

BOLIVAR HAS A STATE CHAMPION! Mason McCurry is the Class 3 175 pound weight class champion! We are so proud of you, Mason! #OneLiberator

LIBERATOR HISTORY MADE! Adrianna Meneses-Lilly becomes the first Bolivar girls wrestler to win a State Tournament match! Congratulations on a great season, Adrianna! #OneLiberator

Good luck to our BHS Speech and Debate team as they host the district tournament this weekend! Good luck, Liberators! #OneLiberator

Thursday night! Our Special Olympics basketball team will be in action at 6:00 PM at Bolivar High School! Come out and support our Liberators! #OneLiberator

Bolivar CTA is hosting the School Board Forum on Tuesday, March 25th, at 6:00 PM. There are two positions on the school board up for vote. The school board forum will be live-streamed on our Bolivar Schools YouTube channel. #OneLiberator

Bolivar Schools will be closed tomorrow, Friday, February 21st, due to snow-covered side streets and backroads and the potential for dangerous driving conditions. Student and staff safety will always be our number one priority. #OneLiberator